Thank you for considering a charitable donation to Augusta Training Shop, Inc. We feel blessed that you are considering making an investment in the lives of people with disabilities. We are a charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Without the team at Augusta Training Shop in their lives, some of our employees would suffer greatly, their lives missing the crucial elements of advocacy and a community of support.
Without a place to work and grow, many of our employees would be left home alone all day, where they may be susceptible to a multitude of potential problems. Alternatively, many of their caretakers would be forced to stay home with them, sacrificing potential income. Without this program in the lives of our employees, the lack of additional income would have a detrimental impact to their health care services, their household income, their relationships, their ability to participate in social activities, and their overall quality of life.
On the public side of things, having a place like Augusta Training Shop in the community provides an opportunity for people of varying abilities and backgrounds to interact with one another in a positive and supportive way. It also inspires other local organizations/businesses to consider providing more work opportunities to those with alternative needs, creating a domino effect across the city and beyond.
The goal of our employment program is to continue our mission of inclusion in the workplace. We believe that people with disabilities should share the same benefits as any worker and experience the joy of being contributing members of our society. Our employees are enormously talented, loyal, hard-working, attentive, productive, HAPPY and driven individuals. The addition of disabled workers to an organization’s talent pool has a broad and positive three-pronged impact: it affects the workforce, the customer base, and the community, connecting them with each other in an engaging way.
We welcome volunteers to donate their time and talent to our organization. If you are interested in assisting us we have numerous opportunities to utilize your skills.
Mentor an Employee, Adopt an employee, host birthday month at the Shop, help us champion an employee through work, assist an employee with an art project, assist with yard care, donate services to our facility (paint, repair, mow grass, weed eat, trim hedges) spruce up our facility, organize boxes, pressure wash our buildings, help our employees write thank you notes, paint with our employees, be a cheerleader to an employee, come alongside and offer help during their work day, box outgoing orders, tag items, cut ribbon/string, cut orders for our workload, cut paper, bundle orders, take orders to USPS, so much more! Come on in to the Shop and be BLESSED!
Small things, but HUGE impact: bottled water, paper towels and toilet paper, art supplies (paint, brushes, scissors, glue, aprons) work aprons/bibs with employee names on them, hand soap, mops, brooms, old tshirts that can be used as rags
Please call us at 706-738-1358 or Email us at with any questions or suggestions. THANK YOU for your kindness and generosity. We value you!